How To Win Cash Games: Bet On Your Favorite Teams From NFL On DraftKings And FanDuel

Whether you’re a sports fan or just like betting and fun everyday games, you might have heard about cash games and daily fantasy sports games. These types of games are not only extremely popular and have been there for some time now for their fans, but they are also profitable for casual players.

So, after you’ve heard about the fun and profitable games, you’ve probably searched for the best providers and stumbled over DraftKings and FanDuel. These platforms give the best chances for both new and advanced players who like to test the NFL teams.

We know how confusing this might be at first, so we prepare the basic explanation of fantasy sports games, negative and positive aspects and tips and tricks to win with your fantasy teams. Read more to get all the best information!

What Are Cash Games

Cash games are basically poker games and betting games that can be played freely and in a tournament. Fantasy daily sports games are a big part of cash games as a genre. As much problems as the main providers had with it in the US legally, they are still thriving and profiting with the gamers joining every day.

These daily sports games are very convenient with its short terms of games instead of huge time frames with other fantasy sports games and are based on creating your special team.


The biggest fantasy sports provider, DraftKings, is extremely popular with players all around the world despite these games being prohibited in several states in the US, and it’s highly used by more than 8 million sports fans.

What’s extremely likable is that they have a lot of options for their lovely fans, and you can try out all the possibilities for the minimum price. The shocking part is that this company was essentially a fundraiser, and they got a lot of sponsors in the sports industry to grow the business.

You can play with DraftKings through the desktop or their Android and iOS apps.


FanDuel is the second best platform for fantasy sports, and it was based in New York in 2009. Nowadays it’s not only about playing fantasy games but also about betting on sports as it got promoted and licensed to do the latter in 2018.

This company was also promoted and funded by several sports teams at the time of their rising popularity. Also, DraftKings and FanDuel had plans to merge together but they got canceled, unfortunately. 

Pros And Cons Of Fantasy Cash Games


  • Friendly community. It can get a little scary and feel intimidating when you first join the community but later you understand how amazing it is. You can easily find a lot of friends to discuss sports and playing strategies with.
  • Fun hobby. Not everyone can understand why fantasy sports games are your hobby but it really can be fun. It’s even more entertaining when you like sports as you find your favorite players there and can build any team you like. Moreover, making strategies can boost your creativity and mathematical skills.
  • Monetized. While other hobbies are mostly just for fun, playing cash games and fantasy sports games can actually let you win money, sometimes even huge sums up to thousands of dollars. It’s always a pleasant bonus to the game.
  • Sports attention. If you’re looking to be a sports fan or lost interest in your favorite team, games like these can actually push you to pay closer attention to actual sports games, be it baseball, football or basketball.


  • Easy to lose money. It’s not free to play and bets can vary depending on what type of game you choose, but you have to note down that you won’t always win. So, some of the money you spend might be lost as you don’t get it back without a huge prize.
  • Addiction. Some fans hate it when FSP is called gambling but it’s apparent that you might get addicted to the games and spending money on bets.
  • Frustration. Easy to find and face problems like that in usual gaming, frustration is what some players might feel while losing constantly. It may also cause anger issues.

How To Win Cash Games: Tips And Tricks

1. Try easier variants when you’re new

Don’t go playing against other more experienced players as soon as you register on the platform as it can cost you a lot more than just money – you’ll get mad, upset and discouraged. The easiest way to play might only be 50/50, where you simply need to end up in a higher half of the better players and then you get paid for that.

If you want to get more money and try the prize pool, it’s better to wait and train your skills in advance. Only 10% of players win in the GPP.

2. Have a budget and don’t stop counting

While having a budget is an essential thing for any gambling or betting, you shouldn’t forget about it with any cash games, especially fantasy sports ones. So, establish an amount of money you’ll be able to spend in a week or month and count how many proposals you’ll be able to enter for maximum fun and profit. You should only think of it as a personal number as every player will name different sums of money and the number of games they play in. There are a lot of bankroll trackers you can find online and use for your play.

It’s also good to record what games you’re trying to play and what sport you’re mostly good at, so you can manage the best strategy when you finally get better at it.

3. Don’t enter high-fee contests

You might get excited to play with more money and for more money and bigger prizes but you shouldn’t do it if you’re still a fantasy sports beginner. The thing is, only the most experienced players try to compete against each other in high payout contests.

You can, of course, try it, but we’re sure you’ll just lose your money and patience trying to fight with the most efficient player on the platform. They are only waiting for you to enter so they can rip you apart and get their cash.

4. Think about the bonus points

Platforms like DraftKings and FanDuel have bonus points that can become extremely useful in your strategy. The points you gain come from the players receiving yards. More than 100 yards equal about 3 points which can basically profit you in the game.

Pay attention to your slots, QB, WR and RB and choose the players wisely so you only get the best members and the highest place.

In conclusion, playing in cash games like DraftKings and FanDuel is extremely fun and entertaining, ad moreover even profitable, especially for experienced fans and players. We talked about a lot of topics like what cash games are, how to win cash games, negative and positive sides of them and so on, covering all the essential information for sports fans. So, we hope you got all the info you needed. Good luck with your teams!